My Go2InfinityNow Review - Do they really give you Paid Signups?

So many of you are experiencing success with the Infinity 800 system. Basically it is a 2x2 matrix where you find 2 people, and when you help them find 2 you will cycle, making $540 everytime. It's incredibly straightforward and simple. The question is, how easy is it for the average person to market? The answer will vary person to person.

I have covered in other blog posts all the ways I have found to be successful in marketing, but I realize for the average part-time online marketer, this may not be realistic.

I am excited to review this new program created by Carrie Mallach called Go2InfinityNow!

Basically they have decided to create a system that is a) cheaper to join and b) will build the matrixes automatically for everyone that comes in.

I joined up with her system 2 days ago and already have had a few members placed below me. I should be cycled by the end of the week and haven't even done any marketing!

I could explain in detail how it works but here free webinar does a better job at that than I could. All I will say is that based on my experience the information in the webinar is accurate and can appropriately demonstrate your ability to succeed with her program!

If you are already in infinity 800, or if you are just looking for a literally automated stream of income (to the tune of about $540 per week!) click the link below and check it out!

If you have questions you can email or call me.

home office - 209-743-3144

all the best,

Rocky Heron

Free Listbuilding Software

I'm evaluating a viral listbuilding software tool from the folks at It's
the fastest, simplest and easiest way to build your list that I've seen in a long while.

Here's all you do...

  • Create a short ad that promotes
    your newsletter or ezine
  • Add some
    code to the pages of your website
  • ... sit back and watch your list

ListHero helps you generate 1,000's of highly targeted subscribers for free and pays you generous affiliate commissions as your list grows.

I'll let you know what I think of it once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile go grab access to this free
viral listbuilding software while it's still free.

Yours in success,

Rocky Heron

Make Money Online Quicker with EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT - Or emotional freedom technique, is a fabulous tool to release resistance around stuck energy or patterns. I have attributed much of my success in online marketing to EFT and am hoping to spread this wonderful resource to anyone who is in need of a little tune up.

So often we get into this mode when working with an online business where we feel we have done everything, asked and asked, called everyone, followed every instruction and still success feels elusive. The key word there is "feel." Often, or almost always, the optimal leverage you will find in catapulting your success online, or anywhere for that matter, comes in finding the feeling of the abundance or results you want.

When you acknowledge that these results do exist already in a sort of vibrational escrow or reality for you, it becomes easier to sync up with them through telling the story of your finances and success more towards the end of things that match tis vibration. That being said, often our irrational resistance or patterns of thought keep us stuck in the old way of thinking. Enter EFT as a reliable way to get to the root of an issue and clear it up... leaving you with the powerful attracting, pure positive, joyful center of who you really are!

Sometimes shifts happen right away, sometimes they take some time, but believe me... Shift happens!

For more on EFT search for Brad Yates here on youtube, and check out my other videos.

To check out the online opportunity that I'm currently helping others experience success with click here:

If you'd like to speak with me personally about my online business, or could use some advice for how to more effectively work yours feel free to call me:


I only need two people in my business to max out the compensation plan, so I chose to interview two people each week to be my success stories and "wealth projects."

To set up an interview email:

or call the number above.

many blessings!

Rocky Heron

How to Use and Succeed with ViralURL

This is hands down the best marketing tool I know... and so easy to use!

Check out this video to learn more:

all the best,

Rocky Heron

What is the 540 Miracle Plan?

Hello all, and thanks for visiting my blog!

I am so excited to start 2009 off on the right foot! Helping
those experience the joys of online success who have yet
to find it is literally the most satisfying activity I know of.

I am always looking for 2 people to be my success stories for the
week. That's how long it takes to be successful with my automated

Here's something to think about:

=> How Did A 84 Year Old Grandmother
A 19 Year Old College Kid
A 56 Year Old Army Vet

Earn 3k Plus their First Week?

=> Answer: They got started with me cycling as a team!!

Have you heard of The 540 Plan?

It is a fully automated, turnkey system, attached to a
powerful 2x2 cycler that we followeach other back into
automatically. You can receive $540 Daily, and the good
news is..... it cost half that to get started!

It is built around a product that everyone, who is
trying to market anything online.... needs!

If it sounds complicated, I promise you it isnt. I highly recommend
you check out the website and view all the videos in the tour. They
are beautifully made and will explain 100% of what you need to get
started with me. Most people cycle by the end of their first week...
that's a $540 check to you as soon as next monday!

I say I only need two people because the spillover for everyone that
comes in is so huge due to many of the top marketers on the internet
that are in our group.

It's simple: Receive $ 540 daily over and over again!

Below is my link to sign up in the program,
so hurry to position yourself.

You will be my direct member and we follow
each other back in to keep cycling over and
over with out spending another dime.

This thing is spitting out $540 every day for
me and my team! It is SO EXCITING!

Two things you need to do right now....

First thing is to go here and carefully proceed through
ALL the videos. They will tell you absolutely everything you
need to know.

...Then get signed up fast!

Home Office – 209-743-3144

Wishing you a very prosperous year!

Peace and Richest Blessings,

Rocky Heron
Online Wealth Strategist

The 540 Plan

How You Can Save Big $$ on a ViralURL, ListJoe, or ListBandit Upgrade...

Would you like to save big $$ on a one year subscription to ViralURL Gold or List Joe Gold?

Would you like to earn generous rebate discounts on ListBandit or Magnetic Sponsoring products as well?

If so, keep reading...

Have you been looking to get more exposure and traffic to your capture pages, websites or opportunities? As many of you know, my top advertising strategies involve using ListJoe and ViralURL, as upgraded members get to email 3,000 random, responsive members every three days... it's soooo convenient!

The problem is many people just cannot bring themselves to upgrade with these sites (listbandit as well), because the $197 per year fee is just too steep (but totally worth it.)

So here is your solution: if you join through the links below I will issue you a significant discount!

Here's the list of marketing tools available and instructions to follow on how you can take advantage of all these discounted offers.

1. The rebate discounts you can receive are listed as follows:

ViralURL: $50 rebated to you via paypal
List Joe: $50 rebated to you via paypal
ListBandit: $50 Rebated to you via paypal
Magnetic Sponsoring: $10 rebated to you via paypal
Building on a Budget: $10 rebated to you via paypal
MLM Traffic Formula: $60-80 rebated to you via paypal*
Black Belt Recruiting: $30-50 rebated to you via paypal*

*Rebates on MLM Traffic Formula & Black Belt Recruiting will vary due to the fact that Mike Dillard offers promotional sales and large discounts on these products periodically.

All rebates will be paid out once the commission payment has been disbursed.

2. Click on the banners to the right for the resource(s) you'd like to purchase here so you can receive generous discounts through commission sharing rebates. The Link for MLM Traffic Formula is:

For ViralURL, ListJoe, and ListBandit purchases, follow these steps:

a) Register to sign up for a new free account through my referral link
b) Accept the one-time offer to upgrade and "go gold"
c) Complete the sign up and payment process

For Any of Mike Dillards Products, simply use the links/banners to sign up for which service you'd like for free. When presented, make sure and purchase the product you'd like and then more forward with step 3...

3. Once your order is complete, send an e-mail to:

Title the e-mail, "Please rebate me for my _______ purchase" in the subject line.

Remember to include your paypal e-mail address and the order information in the body of your message so I will know who to send the rebate to once I receive the commission payment.

Below is my contact info:

cell: 209-743-3144
skype: prosperitynow08

Please skype me if you need assistance and live outside the U.S.

For those of you that decide to take advantage of these discounts, you have my personal guarantee that all rebates will be paid out as described above in a timely fashion. If you need any further assistance on your journey to financial success online, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help!

all the best,

Rocky Heron

My #1 Marketing Strategy - ViralURL

I want to take a moment to introduce you to my #1 favorite marketing resource. It's called ViralUrl and it's the easiest, quickest, most cost effective way I've found to cloak, protect, and promote your affiliate links.

So first the Cloaking feature... what is that?

Well here's how it works:

I am a promoter of Infinity 800, which easily shows people how to turn a one time $260 into multiple $540 payments over and over. The site I use to promote it gave me an affiliate link to use, however it's quite long, bulky, and hard to remember. More importantly, if someone saw my link and just erased all the extra numbers at the end, they would be taken to the main site and I would lose all my affiliate commissions... No Good!

Here is what my default URL looks like:

Now here's what that same URL looks like when Cloaked with ViralUrl:

Click the link above and see what happens...

You will notice a small bar at the bottom of the screen with a link to join ViralUrl as well as a small ad for another website on it. Below it is my website. The effectiveness of this bar will be discussed later on in this posting.

Most importantly, nowhere on this site will you find the original main site URL, so the link is safe and the visitors are secure. I am sure to get all my due commissions and leads.

Another great feature is that once your link is cloaked, ViralUrl will track all your visitors so you know which marketing is pulling in the most leads and signups (I'll tell you right now I get the most signups using ViralUrl's awesome system mailer which I'll discuss a little later!)

So that's basically how it works as a free member!

I recommend everyone use ViralUrl's free services. They are awesome! However, whenever a new member joins my team or I speak with anyone looking for the most effective way to drive tons of targeted traffic to their site easily, I always recommend ViralUrl's Paid Upgrade first. IT IS THE #1 TOOL I USE FOR MARKETING ANY OPPORTUNITY! Seriously, when presented with the One Time Offer.... TAKE IT! I don't have the time or words to go into how beneficial it is. Just know this, you will make back so much more in signups and time as a Gold member of ViralURL than it costs to join. It's amazing!

Join ViralURL here

Getting Started with Your ViralURL Account:

Alright, assuming you are signed up and ready to go, let's get started using all the ViralUrl has to offer! I will be directing this article to Infinity 800 promoters so that it can be easily duplicated. Feel free to edit the information to match your opportunity if you promote something else.

ViralBar Ads

The ViralBar Ad is the bar you see at the top of my ViralURL cloaked link

Once logged in to ViralURL, click on Ad Credit Section and click on Manage Bar Ads. Your level of membership will determine how many Bar Ads you can have displayed. For this lesson, you want to setup one Bar Ad so you can be using your system right away. As a Gold member you will get 5 ads!

Enter Ad URL 1 (start with http://): enter the website you want to promote. My site will look like this:

Enter Viralbar Ad text 1: Your $540 Miracle is Ready...

Now my ad will be seen on other members' Viral Bar Ad for their cloaked sites. They will see the text Your $540 Miracle is Ready... and it will be linked to my Infinity 800:

Now here is something else to keep in mind:

Many of the people that will see your ViralAd bar will click on your ViralURL link and join. When they chose to upgrade to use all the fantastic Upraded features, you will get paid a percentage commission based on your level of membership! This is another reason why being a paid member ultimately will pay for itself and then some.

Viral Email Ads

Viral Email Ad are ads that show up at the top of members emails when they send emails through ViralURL.

From your members area, click on Email Section, then click on Set Email Ad.

Enter Text for line 1: Your $540 Miracle is Ready!

Enter Text for line 2 (optional): Start cycling today like clockwork!

Enter URL (start with http://):

Your next step is to set up your Infinity 800 Cloaked link.

Setting up Viral URL Cloaking link

Click on Cloaking Section

Click on Add URL’s: Click here to add new cloaking URL’s

In the first section, place your Infinity 800 URL (or the website you want to advertise).

The Keyword section is where you enter a “code” to let you know what this site is for. In my example, I’m using the keyword 540miracle which tells me the link I am promoting is my Infinity 800 Link.

Page Title: I usually just leave this blank

The next two sections default to yes (Enable Credits and Place the ViralBar).

I usually place the ViralBar at the top for optimal visibility.

Now click "Ad URL" and we'll start advertising!

The VIRAL URL I created now looks like this:

When visitors click the link they are taken to my Infinity 800 page and their visit will be tracked in my ViralUrl back office.

Next I will cover using the system mailer for upgraded members. As an upgraded member you can email 3,000 very responsive people every three days. I average 3 -4 signups every time I do this!

To get here you'll want to highlight your cursor on "Upgraded Features" at the top, and then click on System Mailer. Scroll down to the bottom and you can enter your ad in the mailer. Here is the ad I currently use for Infinity 800:

Advertising Sample

SUBJECT: Can I Share Your Story {firstname}?


Hi {firstname},

Talk about exciting!

We have team members making over

$2k a week already ....

Yeah I know for some ... this may not be much.....

But they have never been able to make money online before!!

Question Now.....ARE YOU NEXT?!!

I'd love to share your story.....

What will your testimony be NEXT WEEK?!!

Steps To Wealth!!

Join Now:

Be sure to watch the presentation on this page!


Pre-Register for tonights Webinar to get your
questions answered!

This has been a no brainer for so many and YOU could be in for
less than you will probably spend on fast food in the next
60 days.

Infinity 800 is changing lives!

It allows you to make in $540 over and over again on a
single ONE TIME $260 spend.

This has been producing a minimum of $540 per day for so many of
us. That's over $16,000 a month on a single $260 spend.

You can get more info on that here:

Home Office - 209-743-3144

Many Blessings,

Rocky Heron
Scientific Marketing Expert

This ad will then be sent to 3,000 random member of ViralUrl, many of which will view my site and signup to receive their free DVD.

You are now well equipped to use ViralURL, cloak your links, track your hits!

If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me:

email -
phone - 209-743-3144

All the Best,

Rocky Heron

Online Wealth Builder

P.S. If you would like to join ViralURL but have a limited budget, please contact me about joining for a discount!

P.P.S. Also, to learn how to increase your marketing budget so you can afford such services, please view my previous post on Slim Marketing Budgets.